India's reptiles|Non poisonous snakes
Non poisonous snakes
Banded racer
Banded racer is a small sized Snake that lives in between bushes, tall grass and foliage. Another colubrid species , this snake is small sized as compared to the other non-venomous snakes.
The Pythonidae, commonly known simply as python, from the Greek word Python, are of nonvenomous snakes is found in Asia, Afrika and Australia. Among its members are some of the largest snakes in the World.
Indian Rat Snake or Dhaman Snake
Indian Rat Snake also termed as "Oriental rat snake" belongs to the colubrid Snake species. Dhaman snakes are one of the longest and fast-moving snakes found in India. Dhaman snake is Non-poisonous.
Common Sand
Belonging to Boa species, Sand boa is referred to as "do-muha" snake in Hindi due to the resemblance of its tail to its head.
Buff striped keelback
The Buff striped keelback is a species of nonvenomous colubrid snake found across Asia. It is quite a common snake but is rarely seen.
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